How do I pop up account from T-Max to Bitrix24 Screen pop Print

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Here are the steps to enabling the Post to URL feature on T-Max Dialer with Bitrix24 for Contacts, Leads, Quotes, Invoices, and ect in Bitrix24.

First you will need to determine what information you are wanting to bring up from the Dialer screen. If you have exported contacts to the dialer make sure you assign the ID field to the dialer. This field is what is going to be used to bring up the account in Bitrix24 once the caller is on the phone. Here are the URL strings you will need to put on the dialer for the accounts you are exporting.

Contacts = https://"Company Name" .bitrix24/crm/contact/show/#{Id}/
eads    = https://"Company Name"{Id}/

Where it says Company name, this is where you will put your company name without the "" "" so you can pop up the account in your Bitrix24 installation.

If you have questions about setting this up, please call our office.

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