VB Broadcast message and voicemail message for voice broadcast Print

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Uploading a message to broadcast:
 To upload the message that will be used for the campaign, click on the  ”Add or Upload Message” button on the campaign you want to assign the message to. Now you need to create a sound file if you don’t already have one created. Click the Add a sound file button located to the bottom left of the screen that popped up.

Name your recording so that you will be able to identify what it’s for, Voice Broadcast or a Voicemail.

Generally, you will need 2 recordings. One recording will be for the Voicemail message that will be left when an answering machine is detected, and the other message is your Broadcast message which is where the recipient will hear your assigned key to press and transfer the recipient back to you.

As you can see in the above picture you have 2 options to upload your message, you can Upload a wave file or Record over the phone.

Up-load a wave file:

Click the blue button that says Select WAV File.
Browse your computer and find the wav sound file you want to upload and click ok. 
To upload the message to the system click the blue Add Sound button

Record Over The

Select the "Record Over The Phone" option

Put in the Phone Number you wish to call next to "Other Phone"
Once you click "Add Sound" the dialer will call the number you inputted.
At the end of your message press any key to have your message played back to you.

Once you have uploaded all your messages, you will need to select what message you want to play for your Voice Broadcast (Broadcast) and (Voicemail) per the recording.

Next, click “Set as broadcast message” on the message you want live callers to hear. You should see the message indicating that the file you have uploaded is the current broadcast selection on the right side. Now click “Set as Voicemail Message” on the recording you want to play on voicemails. If you are using the same message for your Broadcast and Voicemail message you can select both options on the same recording.

Once you have selected your messages click the blue Copy Sound Files button to the bottom right on the pop up screen.

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