Want to Speed things up?
Then check out the Predictive Dialer!
The Predictive Dialer Will Increase your Productivity by 400%
Increase Agent Productivity by increasing their contacts hourly. With the Predictive Dialer, each available agent can dial up to 5 lines. That is 5 numbers at one time every time they come available, passing the extra connected calls to the next available agent. By eliminating busy signals, disconnected numbers, and answering machines you speed things way up and reach more contacts in a day than you would Manually dialing one number at a time. Therefore, your agents can focus the bulk amount of their time talking to new customers.
Try it for free, Today
or Call 1-620-607-0249
Predictive Dialer
Manual Calling
Simple. Affordable. Effective.
The best dialer service in the industry is T-max. Great for sales and collections. It allows every live party who answers the phone to be connected to your representative. This strategy does not give the responding party the option to press 1 to connect removing the option if they want to talk to you or not, it just passes the call to your agent once it connects to a live person/answering machine if you want. This produces a massive number of live contacts. Pre-recorded voicemail messages can be left by the Predictive dialer. Custom-made for the specific needs of your business. Our Predictive Dialer will dial telephone number lists automatically. Furthermore, the dialer is linking your agents with live answered calls. Making your business sales skyrocket, therefore.
Predictive Dialer Features

Paired Location Caller ID
Match your Predictive Dialer Caller ID Displayed with your Regional Office Location. Hence, calls are directed to the correct office. Customers are much more likely to answer a known local phone number than a random national Caller ID
Account CRM allows you to add dispositions, schedule a call back or custom notes.
Instant Contact Info Popup
Agents screen will pop up with all custom information to close the call for your company.
Inbound / outbound blend ability.
Have all of your calls from letters, Emails, or return calls answered directly by the predictive dialer agents.
Easy Setup
No custom hardware. Simply upload your contact files, login and start closing calls.
Maximum Productivity
Each agent can dial up to 5 lines simultaneously to keep your representatives productivity maximized.
Message Options
Predictive Dialer can leave a prerecorded message on Voice Mails or can bypass answering machines altogether
Agent Monitoring
Real time agent monitoring. Listen to all of your agents calls live, barge in or even take over.Transfer Calls
Agents can transfer a call in real time or do a three way conference call and connect all parties.
Lots of Options
Our dialer has lots of options form AMD, DNC, Area coder restriction, Speed Controls and Paces itself based on available agents.Industries That Use Our Hosted Dialer
Live Party Connects / Agent Logins
Every Person Speaks to your Agent’s
Unlike most predictive dialer systems. T-Max’s products are designed to be easy to use. But also produce a rapid return on your investment. In fact, Predictive Dialer clients have experienced immediate increases in efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenues. Calls are made at an efficient pace. Allowing the most answered calls possible to be transferred to agents. As a result, talk time is increased and productivity explodes. In conclusion, the time your agents spend talking to customers is greater than ever before!
The predictive dialer will create lots of live contacts. However, if you have leads you need to be worked without less manpower, try the voice broadcast dialer. It will play your sales pitch and only transfer interested parties. We also have a program for an inbound blend. This allows the agents on the predictive dialer to field all the callbacks from the people transfer from the voice broadcast dialer. In conclusion, making T-Max your one stop shop for dialers.
Eliminate Agents Wasted Time
First, eliminate wasted time with automated call attendants, receptionists, voicemails and gatekeepers. Instead keep selling, closing and collecting while your productivity increases 300% to 500%. Predictive Dialer helps avoid burnout and wasted time by automating the mundane processes of dialing, busy signals, no answers, and wrong numbers. Let T-Max do your dialing for you and keep the call records and reports on every call made.
Secondly, you should try our telemarketing auto dialer program NOW. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best predictive dialer available. You will be completely satisfied with the results of our autodialers.
Finally, if your current telemarketing auto dialer isn’t working the way T-max would. You should check out our auto dialer instead. In fact, we make it easy for your representatives to connect with more customers. Because of that, our dialer is the best predictive dialer. It does not allow contacts to hang-up their phones before they have spoken to your rep. In addition, it is appropriate for companies that operate in many different industries. If you are interested in testing our telemarketing auto dialer system before you pay for it, sign-up for a free, no-obligation trial today. We pride ourselves on your complete satisfaction with our autodialers.
Even More Reasons to Choose T-Max
Along with our amazing Predictive Dialer. T-max will be there every step of the way. Obviously, our system works. Therefore, we have the highest in customer service and retention in the industry. If you’re wondering if we with fit your expectation. Absolutely! In conclusion, T-max wants to help our clients succeed. If you don’t succeed we don’t succeed. Its a fact, we wouldn’t be #1 without results. Check out of reviews.
Predictive Dialer will make your life easier. Don’t waste another minute dialing by hand. Try us out and see how easy sales can be. You need to sign up today. In addition, you will get one week to use the Predictive Dialer FREE.