Report a Call Quality/ Dead Air Issue

Please gather 5 phone numbers from calls that had an issue and submit using the form below.

Call Us at 620-607-0249
Our Office hours:
Monday – Thursday 8am to 5pm,
Friday 8am to 12pm,
Central Standard Time.

Report any Other Issue / Support Ticket

Please use the form below to report any other issue. (Contact your Dialer Admin/manager before submitting a ticket.

If you don't know or are not sure ask your network admin.
The form will be rejected if you don't have 5 Unique/Different Phone numbers
The form will be rejected if you don't have 5 Unique/Different Phone numbers
The form will be rejected if you don't have 5 Unique/Different Phone numbers
The form will be rejected if you don't have 5 Unique/Different Phone numbers
The form will be rejected if you don't have 5 Unique/Different Phone numbers
If you don't know ask your network admin.