Full steps - Predictive dialer setup (no pictures) Print

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Full Setup for Predictive Dialer


From the e-mail you have received from us, follow the link to your login page and log in with the e-mail and password that you signed up with (located at the end of paragraph #2 on your welcome email). Then click the “I Accept the End User License Agreement and simply log in. This will take you to your Dialer Dashboard.


 Once logged in you will want to configure your webphone. To configure your webphone, follow the below link and follow the instructions on how to configure your webphone then come back to this article.


 Once you have configured your Web-Phone you will want to configure your caller ID by going to your Admin tab (little blue guy bottom left corner) then following this link https://tmaxdialer.com/bill/knowledgebase/523/How-To-Add-A-Caller-ID-Number.html and following the instructions there then come back to this article.

If you went through training then we should have created you a Master Template, this is what you are going to be loading all your future campaigns format from. You are NOT going to be loading contacts to the Master Template.

If you do not have a master template then please follow this link https://tmaxdialer.com/bill/knowledgebase/378/How-do-I-setup-a-Predictive-Campaign.html and follow the instructions then come back to this article. If you followed the instructions on the other pages, you should now be ready to start making calls. Then you can pretty much skip the rest of this Article, if you did not then you might want to continue reading.


Click the “Create New Campaign” button on the right side of your screen. This is the “Add Predictive Campaign “settings.  From this box, you are going to load the “Master Template. Do this by scrolling down in the “Load Settings From” campaign box at the top and then simply click the “Load” button. This will load your “Master Do Not Delete” settings. Now all you need to do is change the “Name” of the campaign. We recommend that you name it to the date you are importing the contacts and next to the date put a brief description of what type of accounts are being imported. (Example 01-02-03 New Accts) If you would like to change any of the settings you may do so now. These settings are not permanent; you can modify these at any time. Making changes to the master template will not change settings on campaigns made in the past.




Name: Is the name of the campaign, (example 03-02-2003 - New Accts)


Description: Is a brief description of additional information (optional)


Caller ID Name: This is your business name that will be displayed to the recipients of the call. (Should not be set as private, restricted, N/A or anything of that sort, must be legitimate)


Caller ID Number: This is the number that will be displayed to the recipients of the call. (Must be a valid number, toll-free numbers do not get the best results)


Limit Calling Hours: This box should be checked if your industry has time restrictions.


Never Call Before and Never Call After: Let say that you are calling California, Texas, or Florida, the dialer will not call those time zones before or after the times you have set. It is paying attention to the calls being dialed by checking the area code on the phone number to make sure it is within the specified calling hours you have set.


Dial Rate: The dialer will call up to 5 lines per available agent. We have set this to 3, it usually is the norm. If you feel you are being under-utilized, you can speed it up or slow it down if you need a little extra time to work the calls.


Wait for Agent: This is how long your recipient will be on hold if there is not an agent available. (Example: If you have 2 agents running a campaign with a dial rate of 3 and the wait time set to 7 seconds, then the dialer will queue up 6 numbers. If both agents jump on a call, then there are 4 numbers still running in the campaign. If any of these calls are answered and there are no agents available, the dialer will then hold the recipient on the line for the 7 seconds before it drops their call). If your recipient is waiting for more than the time you have specified, the call will be dropped. If you choose to leave an abandoned message during this time, you will want to set the wait for time to a longer setting than the length of your message.


Answering Machine Detection: This is our Answering Machine Detection system. If you have this box checked the dialer will bypass about 80% of the voicemails and automated systems. You will receive mainly live contacts. If you have this box unchecked you will be transferred, voice mails, live calls, automated systems, or any other answered calls.


Record All: If this box is checked we will record all the transferred calls and you can download them from the dialer. The dialer will hold these recordings for up to two weeks, if you delete the campaign before the two weeks, the recordings will be lost.  When you are finished, edit your settings click the “Add Campaign” Now you will see the new campaign on the dialer dashboard.




Now it time to import your contacts. We only use CSV.  files for this process. You will import your contacts from the Excel Spreadsheet which is your “Add Contact” icon on your dialer dashboard.  Click this icon to import your contact list. Click on the “Add Contact” button and then the “Add Contacts to Campaign” box will become available. In the middle of the box is the “Find CSV” button. Click the button and find your CSV file, then click open. Your contacts will appear in the “CSV file content” box. Click “Auto Assign” next to the available fields and the specified fields will appear in the corresponding column. Now drag the *Phone* to your phone number column and the fields are mapped. If you need to map more phone fields drag the Phone2, then Phone3, and so forth to the appropriate columns. Now check the “Prevent Duplicate Phone Numbers in the file, which will stop the dialer from importing any number more than one time, make sure the “Scrub against Our Do-Not-Call List” is un-checked. The dialer will scrub against your Do Not Call List after you have uploaded your DNC List. If you have purchased the national Do-Not-Call list, then you would enter that information here.  Next check “I am allowed to Call These Contacts”, click the “Upload” button and the dialer will upload your contacts. Click “OK” then exit out of the box. Your contact may take up to 25 minutes to load you can check this by clicking the “Refresh Properties & Statistics” icon. If your contacts do not load within 25minutes, do not upload them again. Call the office so we can diagnose the issue.







Now your Agents will log in and start the dialer from their “Dashboard” tab by clicking on the campaign you assign them to.  When you click on the campaign, you should hear “Get ready to sale, finding Prospects” and you are connected to the campaign. The dialer will automatically switch to the Contact View screen. They will see the phone numbers that the dialer is calling on the left top corner and when someone picks up the phone the dialer instantly populates the information for that person. Once the call is dispositioned the dialer will start calling the next contact so, please wait until the call is done and you are ready to move on to the next call. The account admin can add or remove custom dispositions by clicking the “Configure Custom Dispositions” hyperlink at the bottom right corner of the dashboard if you are on the admin tab. You will have to log out and log back in for these dispositions to appear. If your agent is on a break, they need to click the Agent Disconnect button so the dialer knows that they are not still working on calls and the dialer can effectively distribute the calls.



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