Importing notes from Predictive Dialer back to Simplicity Collections software Print

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Click on the Export button for the campaign you want the notes from and choose Contacts List then choose which Dispositions you want to export "We recommend just choosing (Check All)". Verify the email address is the correct address you want the CSV file sent to and click Export. You should receive your CSV file export e-mail within 10 minutes in your inbox. Once you have the file saved to your computer and named in reference to the campaign you exported, log in to your simplicity account as an admin and follow the steps below.


The Account Updater tool is used to update information on an account, such as notes from a dialer campaign. You can achieve this by following the below steps:


1.            In the menu bar click Tools > File Updating > Account Updater.

2.            Click Browse... / Choose File.

3.            Select the file to be used to update your accounts. This will be the resulting file you receive from T-Max Dialer after a campaign.

4.            If this is your first time importing notes from the dialer back to simplicity click Create New File Map, otherwise skip to, step 10

5.            Make an association between the Account Number in your file and the “Account/Claim Number” field in Simplicity.

6.            Make an association between the Notes field in your file and the “Note” field in Simplicity.

7.            Make an association between the Note Date/Time field in your file and the “Note Date” field in Simplicity.

8.            Give the mapping a name at the top of the screen.

9.            Click the “Save New Mapping” option at the bottom of the screen.

10.          Click Browse... / Choose File. then Choose the mapping from the drop-down list under “Step #2.”

11.          Click the button “Update Accounts.”

If this does not seem to work call Simplicity as they may have done an update. Phone: 866-791-0224 Email:

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