What Collection Agency Software should you use?

First, when shopping for Collection Agency Software it’s important to find out what Dialer Systems are compatible with your Collection Agency Software. Lucky for you our Dialer works great with any Software that is capable of exporting a .csv file.

Secondly, we have two Dialers that are both compatible with many collections agency software’s. Not to mention Collections Max (Collections Max), Collect ( Collect!), Collect One, totality, Lariat, EZ Soft, eCollections, Collect Plus, Impact, Debt Net ( Debt$Net ). As well as, Simplicity, ICE ware, Beam Win debt, and 99% of the collection software on the market today.

Thirdly, if you are not sure if your software is capable of this type of export. Call your software provider. Let them know you are going to work with T-Max. Next, have them contact us to create an easy export template for you. Any collection software company should be willing to this. It’s a very easy process. If they are not willing to go through this basic setup. This could be an indication that their company will probably be difficult to work with on other services, vendors and applications you will need to operate your agency.

Together with our Collection Agency Software.

It won’t matter the size of your office.

Furthermore, the T-Max Dialer will work with any size agency and with just about any budget. Our founders have been in the collection industry for decades. We understand the needs and wants of the Collection Agency Software. The Dialers are very easy to use. The Collection Agency Software that T-Max’s provides is Completely Hosted and customizable to fit your collection agencies exact needs. Our team can have you up and running in as little as 30 minutes. This is for the predicted dialer. For the Collection Agency Dialer. It is instant!

In Conclusion.

Lastly, T-Max Dialers has world-class support. The team is here to help you every step of the way. T-Max has reshaped the way the collection industry does business! By providing all agencies with a top-rated platform for any size collection agency. If you have any questions about our Predictive or Voice Broadcasting Dialers. Just ask or see our Compare our Dialers page and learn more. Also, for Collections Strategies call T-Max Dialer Today. Just Sign up for one of our Trials now. Afterward, you’ll be so satisfied. You’ll tell everyone about T-Max Dialer and Communications.

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More information about our Dialers
